Run your business wherever you are

We in WQ3 offer different solutions that suit your field and interests at the lowest possible costs.

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Discover how eSignature transformed industry leaders' productivity and efficiency

Explore the WQ3 solution tailored to your industry



Use electronic signatures to facilitate healthcare matters and save yourself the trouble of seeing doctors. All you have to do is to communicate with your doctor through the devices connected to the Internet.

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Get the signatures of your customers from all over the world quickly without the need to travel or move. This contributes to increasing sales and promoting the company.

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Finance & Taxes

Invest your time and money in electronic signatures that manage your money, collect bills and taxes, and get your work done efficiently on time.

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Many global companies have changed their approach from the traditional life at work to the use of technology. These companies have reduced the use of paper and ink and have replaced them with the E-signature. The electronic signature affects human resources by increasing productivity, reducing costs and consumption, and improving Vision.

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Fulfill your legal interests by using electronic signatures seamlessly and collect all your cases in one place.

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Business Operations

Electronic signatures contribute to an increase in corporate earnings and number of transactions. They also improve the customer experience with a simple and sophisticated solution that everyone can use with no prior knowledge.

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Fulfill your government interests using electronic signatures and pay no effort.

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High Tech

Technology and its connection to smartphones have made our world intertwined and connected to a large extent. One of the most important goals of these companies is money and saving time, which means more business and more money. Use your time properly with electronic signatures.

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Use the electronic signature to accomplish your tasks as a teacher, student, or administrator at schools, universities, institutes, and colleges.

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Real Estate

The electronic signature has revolutionized the real estate world. What used to take long days or years is done in a few hours, thanks to the electronic signature.

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Fill in your forms easily without the hassle and the difficulties that face you as a company, a broker or an insurance client which reduce productivity.

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Life Sciences

Many medical professionals and manufacturers of pharmaceutical, biological, and medical equipments have indicated their tendency to adopt the principle of electronic signature due to its tremendous ability to save costs and protect individual property.

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Start your construction projects more easily than before by using the electronic signature, which facilitates the beginning of projects and the completion of all pre-construction procedures such as licenses, bids, and others.

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Broadcasting and sponsorship deals abound, and much money has been gained from this field. With so many competitors, there is always a buzz in sponsorship deals during the seasons. The electronic signature came up with a familiar and easy solution to complete various transactions.

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Make your volunteer organization more effective in the community through your use of electronic signatures.

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  • First E-Signature Service in Middle East
  • Your Documents are Secured and Encypted
  • Fast, Flexible and Easy Service

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