eSignature Solution for HR field:

Sign your documents securely and in a short time, fill them out and share them with ease and get contracts signed accurately.

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Learn how electronic signatures have improved Life Sciences sectors!


 Protecting the environment:

Paperless transactions have greatly contributed to preserving the environment and reducing garbage without spending a lot of money on paper recycling. The electronic signature reduced both papers and ink by replacing them with electronic documents that are kept securely as they are not affected by humidity and air as is the case with papers that need to be kept safe.


Accelerate recruitment processes:

Through WQ3, companies can invest their time and hire talents quickly without waiting for a week or more, which leads to obstructing the recruitment process and delaying investment. It will also facilitate the process of signing work contracts, non-disclosure documents, and others. The current generation will also accept to work in advanced companies that use technology in everything and will turn a blind eye to traditional companies.


Reducing costs in recruitment processes:

The electronic signature will help in reducing recruitment costs such as paper, copies, packaging, and shipping costs. This allows the company to invest this amount of money in other things. It will also reduce the steps HR employees take during the hiring process and give them time to work on additional tasks for the company to thrive.


Document Status Tracking:

No more questions and no worries about contracts and documents. With electronic signatures, your file will not be forgotten on someone's desk while you are waiting for the signature to complete your transaction. Also, you can monitor the status of contracts and documents that need to be signed and see if the right person got them and if they signed them or not.


Centralized document management:

The HR team is responsible for archiving, storing, and processing employees' documents. The electronic signature will facilitate this process as these documents will become digital so they can be quickly accessed, updated, and changed at any time.


The ability to work from anywhere:

The responsibilities of human resources department employees in companies are many, and they always require much effort and time. Employees are obliged to attend business conferences and seminars, and sometimes they have to travel in order to get signatures. However, now they can communicate with companies and sign documents easily without the costs or efforts or even the hassle of traveling.

Wq3. It's as easy as 1-2-3.