eSignature Solution for Government field:

Complete your interests and government forms by following the electronic signature system in a short time and save yourself of the trouble of visiting the competing government agencies and moving between them to get the necessary signatures for your documents.

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Learn how electronic signatures have improved Government sectors!


Less time to review transactions:

Including the electronic signature in the government sector and linking it with government electronic applications have led to increase productivity and speed of response to citizens' requests. Instead of having citizens waiting many days to get their work done, with the E-signature, it only takes a few hours and you don’t have to visit government offices all the time.


Security and Protection:

The electronic signature makes the files entered into the systems of government departments more secure, and less prone to damage, loss, tampering or theft of important files by using authentication programs to track and verify the integrity of documents as well as the IP address you entered through the time.


Communication between different government departments:

Through coordination and communication between these departments and all other government departments, electronic signatures made this matter easy. Especially in decisions that require approval from government agencies and their appropriateness.


Deal approval completion:

Linking the electronic signature with government departments and institutions helps to speed up work on various deals, from approving or rejecting them, to reducing costs, completing the work successfully, and helping the government to reduce and save expenses.


 Simplify the recruitment process:

The electronic signature has made government operations simpler than before, such as the process of hiring and preparing government cadres to perform services. It facilitated the establishment of the recruitment process and the actual hiring for job applicants.


Always up-to-date documents:

The presence of a huge number of documents in companies hinders the process of updating, especially if there is a change in one of the work conditions, or one of the parties may cancel the transaction due to the difficulty of dealing with paper documents. WQ3 allows you to update, change and re-sign digital documents by concerned parties.

Wq3. It's as easy as 1-2-3.