eSignature Solution for High Tech field:

Increase the profits of your technology company by using electronic signatures that will distinguish your company from its peers in the global technology market.

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Learn how electronic signatures have improved High Tech sectors!


Enhance your company reputation:

Providing the electronic signature feature in technology companies is a very important addition that will increase your customers, and will make you popular among technology companies because it is the most advanced technology in the market.



Your documents during and after signing are subjected to the highest levels of protection against tampering, so no one can compromise them.


Globally recognized:

Do not worry about adopting the electronic signature in the documents of your technology company because they are reliable, guaranteed, recognized, and they do not have a specific validity period.


Time and Money Saver:

With the tremendous development and speed of information transfer, you can save time and money by using an electronic signature.


Can’t accept modification:

Your use of the digital signature is reserved as you put it on your documents and no infringer is allowed to modify your signature on your documents.


Always up-to-date documents:

The presence of a huge number of documents in companies hinders the process of updating, especially if there is a change in one of the work conditions, or one of the parties may cancel the transaction due to the difficulty of dealing with paper documents. WQ3 allows you to update, change and re-sign digital documents by concerned parties.

Wq3. It's as easy as 1-2-3.