What is the importance of the E-signature, and how did our need for it increase with the emergence of the Covid pandemic?

Posted On 09-Oct-2021

The rapid technological development has created many techniques that make it easier for us to do our work quickly, and one of them is electronic signature technology.

This technology allowed us to own and manage our time and work electronically. It also provided a high level of security and encryption of documents, increased the pace of completion in personal, joint, institutional, and governmental businesses, and also saved the costs of manual signatures.

What is the importance of E-signature?

The importance of the E-signature stems from the fact that it plays a distinct and important role in tracking the progress of work, which allows completion in addition to reducing costs and efforts, without worrying about losing opportunities due to the need for someone’s signature. Here are some points for the importance of E-signature:

  • No more paperwork, or manually archiving and organizing documents.
  • You'll be able to save time, reduce errors, and sign your documents anywhere, anytime.
  • You will get high reliability and security because it encrypts documents and preserves them after they are signed.
  • It will provide you comfort in performance; it makes it easier to access data, clients, and signatures without waiting for a long time.
  • You will be able to track the business, and how it is going by looking at the details of signing your documents, who did them, verifying their identity, when they did it, and from what device is it signed.
  • It will maintain your projects and increase their growth and your money as well.

How has the Covid pandemic affected the E-signature?

The E-signature was already starting to appear in the period before the spread of the Coronavirus. However, its use was limited to some companies and institutions that are concerned with accelerating and investing in their work, and it was not convincing for many.

Corona surprised us overnight and affected all sectors: the world became lonely and full of threats in all aspects of health, social life, work life, business management, companies, educational sector, and others.

Everyone was locked in their homes fearful of the transmission of this epidemic to themselves and their loved ones. With this fear, anxiety dwelled in their brains about the future of projects for some, the future of education for others, and commerce and services future for the rest.

Indeed, a good number of people around the world have been affected by the difficulty of their lives, including:

  • Some were unable to complete their education, or the epidemic has prevented them from completing their last courses to graduate from a certain educational stage.
  • Some lost their jobs, whether in their own country or in other countries.
  • Some lost the company that they spent their time, life, and money to build.

The solution to all of this was not to stand idly by, yet to go electronically to accomplish the work, using the E-signature. Thus, the situation changed for the better, and everyone began to deal and adapt to the new situation while trying to preserve the necessities of life, which were paralyzed and impeded during the Covid pandemic.

The electronic signature breathed life into different areas of life and its effect was as follows:

  • Companies and institutions with a different scope of work tried to adopt a remote work solution and included this E-signature to earn for their legal work and for business matters to go within its proper scope.
  • Educational institutions have replaced face-to-face education with distance education and have adopted the E-signature as a solution to facilitate the management of the educational process.
  • The E-signature facilitates secure contracting procedures between commercial companies.
  •  The E-signature enables health sector to carry out health work in the correct way, and to inspect its purchases and supplies from the moment of commencement until its distribution.
  • The sports sector was able to conclude sports agreements, communicate with funders, and follow up all its requirements.
  • The E-signature helps all aspects of life and reduces costs.

Finally, it seems that the E-signature has become indispensable in any way, even if the Corona crisis ends because it showed us many advantages, made it easier for us to perform many things, and overcome any difficulties.

And wherever you are in this vast expanse and this vast land, you can, with a tap on your device, complete and manage your business.